Repairing dents and scratchesRepairing dents and scratches

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Repairing dents and scratches

I have three teenage children, so our second car is constantly getting scratched and dents. I can't take it in every week to get repaired so I need to have a good relationship with my local auto body repairer. They know me really well, and they give me some little decant pots so I can at least do some small repairs at home to make sure the car body doesn't get damaged while I'm waiting to get into the auto painters. This blog is all about avoiding car damage when there isn't time to get small dents and scratches repaired.

Two Situations in Which You Should Get the Dents in Your Car Repaired Promptly

Whilst you might be quite happy to drive around in a dented car, there are situations in which it may be necessary to get this damage repaired promptly. Here are two such situations. You're planning to sell the car soon If you are planning to sell your car in the near future, then it would be wise to have any dents in its body fixed by a car dent repair specialist as soon as possible. Read More 

Practical Steps for Preparing Your Car for Painting

Painting a vehicle can be a challenging process. You cannot simply purchase cans of paint and begin coating the automobile's panels. If you want to create an even, beautiful and protective coat of paint, you must make time for auto body preparation. Proper planning and appropriate surface improvement processes will prevent mishaps. Here are some of the best guidelines for preparing your vehicle for spray painting. Protect Vulnerable Components You should protect the vulnerable parts of your vehicle for the painting work. Read More