Repairing dents and scratchesRepairing dents and scratches

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Repairing dents and scratches

I have three teenage children, so our second car is constantly getting scratched and dents. I can't take it in every week to get repaired so I need to have a good relationship with my local auto body repairer. They know me really well, and they give me some little decant pots so I can at least do some small repairs at home to make sure the car body doesn't get damaged while I'm waiting to get into the auto painters. This blog is all about avoiding car damage when there isn't time to get small dents and scratches repaired.

Don't Make These Mistakes If You're Thinking of Painting Your Own Car

It is possible for car owners to actually paint their own cars, either to cover over repair work or to give it a fresh new appearance all around. Car painting is a big job and one you should prepare for properly so you have all the tools and knowhow needed; if you are thinking of tackling this job on your own, note a few mistakes to avoid so you don't waste your time or have your car wind up looking even worse.

Not sanding the metal smooth

Preparing your car for painting typically requires the use of a heavy-duty sander and several different grits of sandpaper in order to remove rust, jagged edges along a dented area and any old paint. You then also need to sand down all the metal so that it's smooth, but this can be time-consuming and is a step that too many car owners skip. They may assume that paint will cover jagged edges and fill in crevices, but this isn't the case. That paint may simply seep into jagged spots or small cracks or gloss over leftover rust. In turn, the paint will look bumpy or begin to fleck or chip away. Take the time to sand down any rusted or jagged spots until they're smooth to the touch before painting to avoid this.

Not letting it dry between coats

Your car may need to dry for at least a day if not a few days before you can put on a second coat of paint; note the manufacturer's recommendation on the paint you choose, but you might consider being safe and allowing for even additional time. This will ensure the second coat doesn't become 'gloppy' or too thick and start to run or streak. You may be impatient to get the job done, but taking this added time will ensure a quality job.

Using spray paint incorrectly

When spraying cans of paint, you want to keep the can moving slowly from side to side. If you apply paint and notice that an area seems a bit thin, continue to move the paint can back and forth as you cover that area; don't hold the can aimed at any one spot. Spray paint usually starts to run a few seconds after it's applied so you may not notice that you're using too much paint until you have streaks and drips. Always keep the cans moving and add a second coat after the first has dried, as mentioned above, if you still have thin areas of paint.