Repairing dents and scratchesRepairing dents and scratches

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Repairing dents and scratches

I have three teenage children, so our second car is constantly getting scratched and dents. I can't take it in every week to get repaired so I need to have a good relationship with my local auto body repairer. They know me really well, and they give me some little decant pots so I can at least do some small repairs at home to make sure the car body doesn't get damaged while I'm waiting to get into the auto painters. This blog is all about avoiding car damage when there isn't time to get small dents and scratches repaired.

Don’t Make These Mistakes If You’re Thinking of Painting Your Own Car

It is possible for car owners to actually paint their own cars, either to cover over repair work or to give it a fresh new appearance all around. Car painting is a big job and one you should prepare for properly so you have all the tools and knowhow needed; if you are thinking of tackling this job on your own, note a few mistakes to avoid so you don't waste your time or have your car wind up looking even worse. Read More 

Tips When Removing Dents From Your Car Door

Dents on your car door can appear without warning. They often are caused by tight parking spaces when another vehicle is pulling out or pulling up beside your car. No matter what causes the dent in your car door, it is possible to have it removed using a few different types of tools. Before you begin removing a dent in your car door, it is important for you to be aware of the most helpful tips that are designed to restore your car door to its original dent-free appearance. Read More 

The Panel Beating Process Explained

Responsible vehicle ownership involves more than observing a strict maintenance and service routine. A responsible vehicle owner is one who understands all aspects related to the use and ownership of the automobile. Panel beating is among the most common smash repairs undertaken on automobiles. Therefore, responsible automobile owners should take a keen interest in what happens to their vehicles when they take them in for panel beating. This article discusses the panel beating process for the benefit of affected vehicle owners and for the benefit of those simply interested in knowing exactly what they're paying a panel beater like ACT Auto Body Works for. Read More 

Affordable Options for Your Car Smash Repairs

After an accident, your car is bound to experience and sustain considerable damage depending on whether the accident was minor or major. Smash repairs are those replacements or renovations that your car must undergo after an accident. These services are done on both the interiors and exteriors of your car. Before your car is subjected to any smash repairs, the technician or dealer is supposed to communicate with and get approval from your insurance company depending on the type of your car smash repair cover. Read More 

3 Cost-Effective Methods Of Repairing Dents In Your Car

Preventing your car from acquiring dents in the course of its life can be one mighty challenge. No matter how hard you try, you may still find it hard to keep it safe from dings and dents as there are many ways a car can get hit. The good news is that dents can be easy to repair and may not require heavy tools to do so. In fact, what you need may be readily available in your home. Read More